The correct approach to treating depression


As a supplement to the basic treatment is often prescribed exercise. There are sets of exercises designed specifically for patients with depression, but almost any physical activity can be therapeutic. During exercise increases blood circulation, improves metabolism, increases physical strength and endurance to improve overall health, strengthen confidence, distracts from depressive feelings.

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Acupuncture, art therapy, music therapy, meditation techniques, physical therapy may be a useful adjunct to psychotherapy and pharmacological treatment, but isolation is not usually used because of low efficiency.

Light therapy is used not only in the treatment of seasonal depression. It was found that intense exposure to light is beneficial in virtually any depression, but not in the case of seasonal depression, light therapy - this is only an additional method of treatment. In addition to natural sunlight for light therapy using a special light chamber.

Electroconvulsive therapy - a treatment option for severe depression, refractory to therapy for a long time. This method involves the induction of muscle cramps by passing an electric current through the brain. The procedure is carried out only in a specialized institution under the supervision of an experienced anesthesiologist with the use of anesthesia and drugs, relaxing muscles in the body. The efficacy of electroconvulsive therapy for depression is high and the risk of complications is relatively small, however, this method of treatment is generally resorted after years of unsuccessful attempts to psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.

Sleep deprivation - is another way to treat depression, coupled with apathy. To improve mood and increase vitality to the patient is not allowed to sleep the whole night and all the next day. Another, softer option - partial deprivation, when the patient is sleeping 3-4 hours before 01:00 am, after which he was awake to awake for the rest of the night and the following day. After sleep deprivation, more than half of patients report significant improvement of health, but the effect is usually short, so this technique is mainly used as a supplement to the basic treatment.

Tips native patients with depression

Home atmosphere is always very important for a person, and personal relationships are very important in a state of depression. Misconduct relatives can undo all the efforts of the doctor and the patient.

1. Remember that depression - is a real disease; nekapriz is not bad education. To help the patient, you will be required without sympathy "immersion" in his illness. Keep some emotional distance - do not share the pessimism of the patient, does not justify his despair, remind him of the pain of his condition and give us hope for a speedy recovery.

2. Stay away from the constant criticism of the patient. Do not keep it a sense of guilt, which is already very painful and inadequate.

3. Do not build your life around the family disease of your loved one. Do not concentrate on his illness, live an active life, trying to involve the patient in a joint activity that brings joy and satisfaction.

Self-help for depression

In some cases, when depression is not yet fully grasped the whole of human life, the disease can be managed independently. The main thing - do not miss the moment. Many self-help techniques can also be an effective addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor psychiatrist or therapist.

1. To start with the problem. It is important not only to recognize its existence, but also get rid of the speculation and lzhediagnozov. Often, a patient having read conflicting information on the Internet, is horrified by the current picture in his head. Formed as a result of this hopelessness can worsen mental state and become an obstacle to the timely recourse. Assign diagnosis specialist, ask him all your questions, ask forecast.

2. Exercise - a great way to distract from the experience and improve alertness. Start slowly - 5-10 minutes. Increase the duration and intensity of the load gradually. You can just walk, run, ride a bike, fitness center, gym, yoga. "A do not want to" force yourself to at least get out of the house - it will be good.

3. Sufficient sleep - an important component of the treatment of depression. Be sure to get enough sleep, sleep at least 7-9 hours, depending on individual needs, but avoid oversleeping.

4. Eat right! Avoid eating oily and spicy food. Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains. Drink more water.

5. Avoid extreme fatigue - for this plan periodic rest during the working day. Convince yourself that the rest you need to maintain health and wellness. Read the rest necessary element of the working day. Do not overload your day affairs, but do not allow yourself to laze around the clock.

6. Learn to withstand stress: Doing relaxation, meditation, self-hypnosis.

7. Avoid excess alcohol and caffeine. Remember that being a temporary relief, for which you can expect after drinking another cup of strong coffee or a glass of vodka, will take place quickly, but long-term effects of such abuse can be very serious. If you already feel that you are addicted to alcohol or drugs, immediately go to a specialist for treatment.

8. Learn to positive thinking. Start with a small exercise: any negative thought or phrase, try to draw a positively stained. As soon as you think that there is no hope of recovery, immediately correct himself: "I can handle! I'm working on them, I will soon get better. " Even if you initially did not believe in the success of such exercises, continue to do - positive thinking will gradually become familiar.

9. Do not forget to have fun and get pleasure available to you. Think of a forgotten hobby, go to the cinema and theater, visit exhibitions, go to the sea or a tour, read easy cheerful book, take a bath, go for a massage. Be aware of the therapeutic effect of laughter.

10. Do not avoid communicating with family and friends. Go with them on contact, do something with them.

11. If you feel that the condition is not improving, and day by day it only gets worse, immediately go to the doctor. The sooner you start treatment, the faster and easier to recover all mental health.